About Us - Chairman's Desk
“The business of business is only and only business”, has been the norm widely taught in most of the business schools of the developed world and this school of thought was also adopted by almost all their businessmen & politicians.
How far the world has moved on and away from this concept is evident from the larger perceived business deliverables envisioned by society, various stake holders and Governments at large, besides mere bottom lines and business growth.
We have to be continuously aware of the needs of society as well as our responsibilities towards our fellow human beings and the future generation. We should sensitize ourselves to the needs & demands of our wonderful planet and its environment, bestowed to us by Mother Nature. Our children & their children must have a better place to live in, which only means that we give back to society what society has given us, to be, where we are.
Our business, our belief and value system are guided by these principles. We draw inspiration from these to formulate our vision and goals to make our company, M/s Auto Profiles Ltd., one of the leading global players in the field of sheet metal manufacturing and pressing technology.
Mr. Bikash Mukherjee
Chairman cum Managing Director